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Video and text about Triple Divide Points of Siberia and America by Natalia Atutova


"Pallas Mountain is the dividing point between three major drainages of the rivers Amur, Lena and Yenisei. The Great  Divide extends in Russia on the East range and passes to Mongolia. To the North-west of the city Chita on the Continental Divide, there is unique point – the junction of Amur, Lena, Yenisei rivers basins. It is a hydrological apex of the Eurasian Continent, where the Great and Lena-Yenisei divides meet at the summit of the mountain. In this place, the Lena-Yenisei subdivide comes up to the Great Divide.

Timur Zhalsarain is the discoverer of this hydrological apex. He called this place a joint of the world’s great rivers Amur, Lena. Yenisei. And he said that this point does not have a counterpart on the Earth, so it can be considered as an important world site. Timur Zhalsarain wrote: “Because of the locality, terrain atmospheric precipitation flows to the North through the Vitim and Lena rivers, to the West through the Hilok River in the Baikal-Yenisei system, and to the East through Ingoda River into Amur basin”. He called this rivers the greatest based on the following reason. According to their extent and total area they are among the world’s 15 largest river systems.

The genius of Zhalsarain’s prediction is the he saw the uniqueness of these three great rivers joining even though he had never been there personally. He determined the contact point merely by calculating and analyzing maps. Thus, he made theoretical discovery, which was later completely confirmed. The article presenting his conclusion and discovery on a planetary scale, was published in the newspaper “Zabaikalskii rabochii” in 1977. Yuri Rudenko was the first explorer, who supported this idea.  And he was the leader of the first expedition.

The place indicated by Zhalsarain on the map, was actually defined on the territory in 1982. (Zhalsarain could not participate in expedition due to his old age). So then, that place was a peak with the elevation 1236 meters (approx 4055.12 feet). wich was named as Watershed Mountain on Yablonov Ridge. Later, this mountain was renamed Mountain Palls in memory of the 18-th Century Russian Academic, Peter Simon Pallas. For various reasons this name was not recognized on an official level until 2012, when Dmitry Medvedev (The President of Russian Federation at that time) signed a government order.

Mount Pallas is located near the picturesque Ivan-Arakhlei Lakes. The Ivan-Arakhlei Lakes and Mount Pallas are located in Ivan-Arakhlei Park. There are several  villages located in the lakes area where indigenous people known as Buryats are residing.

Timur Zhalsarain is the author of the article “Four Points on the Planet”. This article was published in the newspaper “Aginskay Pravda” in 1979. It was left unnoticed at the time and was only found in 2011 twenty years later after his death (Zhalsarain died in 1991). In this article Zhalsarain wrote that there are about 30 similar points in the world between three river basins. Of this thirty points, he paid special attention to four of them. He wrote that this place is located in North America, near the USA-Canadian border on the Rocky Mountains crest and it is the joining point of the Mississippi, Columbia and Nelson Rivers systems. Zhalsarain  was not aware of the name of the point. Only nowadays, based on the information available in the internet we realized that this place is Triple Divide Peak which is located in Glacier National Park. Main information was obtained from the following websites: http://en.wikipedia.org/  www.nps.gov   wwww.backpacker.com

Triple Divide Peak is located in the Lewis Range, Glacier National Park in the U.S. state Montana. It is a hydrological apex of the North American continent, where the Great and Laurentian divides meet at the summit of the peak. Thus, all water that falls at this point can flow to the Pacific, Atlantic, or Arctic oceans making the locale one of the few places on the Earth whose waters feed three oceans. The aperture fully the area of Glacier National Park, one must know something of the uncharacteristic geographical location of the park, sitting as it does astride what the Blackfeet call the “Backbone of the World”. It contains one area in the United States that truly represents the dividing point between three major draiages  - the Pacific Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Hudson Bay. This area is Triple Divide Peak.

These two places – Triple Divide Peak and Pallas Mountain  - have a few things in common. Triple Divide Peak 48° 34’23”N, 113° 31’00”W. Pallas Mountain 52° 07’18”N, 113° 01’42”E.

The Great Divide in North-West Eurasia runs along Chukchi Plateau, Anadyr Highlands, and then through the Gydan, Dzhugdzhur, Stanovoi, Yablonovyi mountain ranges. The indigenous people of this area – evenkis – called the whole mountain range Dzhugdzhur meaning “the Backbone of the World”. Native Americans in the West Hemisphere also called the Great Divide running on their Continent “Backbone of the World”. Mountain Pallas is one of the most popular sites in Ivano-Arakhley Park. On the other side of the planet Triple Divide Peak is situated in Glacier National Park.

Hydrological  Apexes are unique and natural places. It is not a mere coincidence that they are the subject of investigation in the countries, where they are. This is why it is necessary for scientists from different countries to unite efforts and to establish scientific contacts" ( Natalia Atutova, 17.12.2017).

В фильме и тексте к нему Наталья Антоновна Атутова (дочь Т.У. Жалсарайна) рассказывает о водораздельных точках и уникальности забайкальского стыка речных систем Енисея, Лены и Амура на горе Палласа вблизи города Читы. Подробно и на русском языке об этом можно прочитать в ее статьях в газетах Забайкальский рабочий и Земля.

Пётр Матафонов

Petr Matafonov